Författare: Jennifer Worth
Utgiven: 2005
Utläste: 131023
Betyg: 4,5/5
Denna utgåva
Förlag: Phoenix
ISBN: 978-0-7538-2585-3
Tryckt: 2009
Sidor: 293
When Jennifer Worth became a midwife in the 1950s, she joined an East End where many lives were touched by the shadows of the workhouse. For, although the institutions were officially abolished in 1930, in reality not close until several decades later.
In the follow-up to her bestselling Call the Midwife, Jennifer Worth tells the true stories of the people she met. There's Peggy and Frank, who were separated in the workhouse when their parants died - until Frank's strength and determination enabled him to make a home for his sister. Jane was a bright, lively child, whose spirit was broken by cruelty, until she found kindness and love later in life. Then there is the matchmaking nun, Sister Julienne, and Sister Momica Joan, who ends up in the High Court...
Projekt: Hyllvärmare
Dessa böcker är bara så underbara. Det är galet intressant att läsa om hur det vara att leva i London i början av 1900-talet. De saker som jag tar för givet, till exempel mat på bordet och ett tak över huvudet, är något som människorna på den tiden behövde kämpa dagligen för.
Alla borde verkligen läsa Jennifer Worth böcker, och titta på BBCs serie baserade på hennes historier!